Monday, January 24, 2011

Break It

Monday January the twenty-Fourth
1.24.11         156 pounds

New Years Resolution # 2 was to do more things around the community and when I saw that there would be FREE BREAK DANCE LESSONS I could not pass up that opportunity.

Scott Picked me up at 6:45 and we went on over the the Simms Center. Walking in the main entrance we heard music coming from the auditorium where we found a group of people jumping and dancing around. There was an eight year old doing a head spin in the middle of the group. I turned to Scott and said "I swear it said this was a beginners class." My work friend Kim Bob also made it to the class.

We all got in a circle to introduce ourselves. We would say our name, what we did and how long we have been break dancing. Many of the people there were from the JMU Breakdance club, and a few people were from some of the local high schools. Everyone was saying they have been breakdancing for 3 years, 4 years, 6 years. Scott, Kim bob, myself and one other guy had never breakdanced before.

Kim Bob
We got into a Line with all the new people in front and learned the basic 'uprock' with a few variations. Each non-break dancer teamed up with someone from the JMU Breakdance club and learned the six-step. After what felt like an hour of sweating Scott informed me we had only been there for twenty minutes.

It was all fun and everyone there was really encouraging. The last half of the class consisted of everyone getting in a circle and taking turns going in to do a little routine. All the new people went in and everyone clapped and cheered regardless of how ridiculous we looked flopping around on the ground.

As we left I realized I could barely walk, my legs hurt for the next two days. The next class is the second of February and I'll be back to learn more.

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