Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I. am. Famous.

Wednesday, February the Twenty-Third
2.23.11          159 pounds

Not many weeks ago I had a pretty bad day at work. When I finally got off in the afternoon I was nearly blown away by the hurricane-like gusts of wind. I came home, packed up my kite, my dog, a blanket, and a book and bounded off towards the park. Flying a kite is very relaxing if you have enough wind, it is very frustrating when you don't. The kite was able to go up with a breeze.

Photographer Michael Reilly came walking up the hill and asked if he could take my picture for the News Record. I told him sure but I wasn't flying the kite for the fame and stardom, that I would just continue what I was doing. The next day I was in the paper.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

To Cool For Medjool

Tuesday, February the Twenty-Second
2.22.11     156 pounds

Ex and I broke up the summer of oh ten and I had not thought about dating much since then. I did have some not to great encounters with Ex-Ex since the break up with Ex. Ex-Ex is thankfully not still involved in my life, that train wreck is a downward spiral of destruction. RC also became a fun drinking buddy with more to offer than just friendship.

Sis and BIL told me about a funny match up of an acquaintance that happened because of the dating website okcupid a few months ago and because of the low low cost of free I made myself a profile. After a few e-mail correspondences and friendly chit chats with a OS, a local girl, we decided to meet up.....

To Be Continued...

                              after these messages.

OS and I had plans to go bowling, so when I picked her up at six we proceeded to Valley Lanes. Entering the bowling alley parking lot we saw a very large mound of dirt on the lot next door and decided that after bowling we would climb that mound. Unfortunate news... Thursday night is league night and all lanes were filled. We walked out in the same demeanor as Charlie Brown when he has still not discovered what it is to be a "good man." That all changed though when we saw The Mound again.  The two of us climbed the mini mountain. 

There was no plan b so I was very happy when OS suggested going to SkateTown. Unfortunate news... Thursday night is private rental night and the place was booked. Yikes...  The online communication was so promising yet the gods seem to be hindering here. OS had never been to kids castle before so, because we were in the neighborhood I took her there. With each step through Kids Castle I reminisced about the playground and noticed that this grand child's playground has been modified for 'safety issues.' I discourage the cookie-cutter plastification of our playgrounds. 

We swung on the swing until well after dark talking and then went to get food and ice cream (ice cream #2 of 3 in six days) 9:15 PM is when bowling was back open to the public so we made it down for an hour of bowling. A pitcher is quite filling for just two people, Mountain Dew was pulsing through my veins. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mail Call

Sunday February the Twentieth
2.20.11       161 pounds

Well the envelope craft that I started with the playboy magazine covers has been the easiest craft so far. I have mailed one so far to my friend RC and it reached it's destination. It was a playboy cover as the envelope and although it did not show anything too revealing I was still a little nervous that it would not go though. I asked the postal carrier about it and his response was "Well, there's no nipple so there shouldn't be a problem."

I have received several calendars from friends and coworkers and have made quite a few envelopes! I have sent a few out, some playboy and some envelopes from other sources and they seem to be getting to the destination without any problems.

My last few weeks have been pretty enjoyable. I have gone to an art opening, hiking twice, a few date-ish type things, some movies, played racquetball, breakdancing and more. In the last six days I have eaten at Kline's Dairy Bar three times.  I hope I can spend some time writing about my experiences.